Wild Turkeys

Wild Turkeys

The iconic American bird known as the wild turkey has roamed the edges of forests in North America for centuries. The same basic species as the domesticated turkey, wild turkeys are large ground birds with sturdy bodies and proud, fanned tails.

With body feathers that range in color from a rich black to a coppery reddish-brown, wild turkeys are easily recognized by their unique "gobble gobble" call. Adult male turkeys have a featherless, reddish head, neck, and wattle, with a large, dark, fan-shaped tail.

Adult males turkeys are called "toms" or "gobblers" while young male turkeys are called "jakes." Turkeys like living near the safety of woods, but prefer woods with both coverage and openings like prairies and pastures or empty fields to roam. 

Browse our collection of Turkey Art at Wildlife Wonders, or search the store for a particular item inspired by the beauty and unique form of the wild turkey. From turkey salt-and-pepper-shakers to turkey stuffed animals and turkey area rugs, we've got it all!