Why Do We Love the Falling Leaves?

Why Do We Love the Falling Leaves?

In Autumn, there's a visceral feeling of change that tinges the air. Every human sense is tuned in to the changing seasons, made clear by the nature around us that demonstrates this change. 

The air becomes crisp and cool, the humidity leaves, the trees begin to change colors as their leaves becomes shades of vibrant reds, yellows, browns, and oranges. The smell of fires burning in fireplaces fills the neighborhood air and mingles with the smell of dead leaves collecting on lawns.

Birds in the north migrate south for the winter, the sun begins to set earlier and earlier, making the evenings shorter and shorter as the year moves onward. 

Why do we love the falling leaves? Why is the autumnal season so special to so many people? Perhaps its that change is a necessary thing in every life. 

Maybe having visual signals that remind us to let go, olfactory cues that confirm that change is happening whether we accept it or not... maybe all these things are a comfort to us because they are hints from nature that new, good things will come soon.