Rainforest Birds

Rainforest Birds

Home to a wide variety of animal species, from insects to frogs to birds, the rainforests are a remarkable resource as well as a beautiful, precious gift to all creatures on earth. It's also home to tropical birds in a remarkable range of shapes, sizes, and colors. The tropical rain forests of the world are at risk, which endangers many of these precious species as their habitats are declining. While deforestation affects every organism in the delicate rain forest ecosystem, it is often the rare and exotic bird inhabitants that face the greatest risk of extinction.

Other environmental and imposed factors affect the dwindling population of these birds as well. In Guam, the Brown Snake poses a major threat to local birds. An invasive species introduced to the rainforest from its native Australia and Indonesia, the brown snake is responsible for devastating a majority of the native bird population there.

One species in particular that faces serious threat of extinction is the parrot family. Highly sought after for the pet trade, these brightly colored, intelligent birds are facing serious decline in the wild. The success of breeding these birds in captivity has furthered the wild birds' population decrease in the rain forest. While we may not see parrots disappear from pet store cages, their brothers and sisters in the wild are facing increasing hardship and may soon disappear from the trees entirely.

By staying informed and getting involved we can change the fate of these beautiful creatures. Ourselves and many of our vendors have programs in place for contribution to various groups directly involved with helping save and preserve the natural world around us. When you shop with us you can rest in knowing you are helping in global conservation efforts.