For Love of Dolphins

For Love of Dolphins

A favorite animal among beach-dwellers, children, spiritual seekers, and animal-lovers, Dolphins have captured a special place in the human heart.

Dolphins are marine mammals that belong to the order Cetacea. There are 43 species of dolphins found in the world. Naturally social and group-oriented, dolphins live in schools or pods of up to 12 individuals.

Dolphins can live in both freshwater and salt water, with 38 species of marine dolphins and 5 river dolphin species. Not everyone knows that the Killer Whale, also known as Orca, is actually a large dolphin species. Bottlenose dolphins are the most common and well-known type of dolphin, with recognizable "bottlenose" face shape and frequent interactions with humans in marine locales.

Female dolphins are called cows, males are called bulls and young dolphins are called calves.