Florida Birds

Florida is the home of a wide range of predatory animals, from alligators to panthers. But this state is also known for it's stunning landscapes, diverse plant and tree life, and unique assortment of local and migratory birds.  From the vibrant, tropical plumage of the flamingo to the heavy body and rusty-brown feathers of the pelican, Florida is home to over 500 known species of coastal birds. 

Bird Art

Migrating snow geese and gigantic, prehistoric-looking sandhill cranes stop in Florida on their routes southward for winter. Wood ducks and pintail ducks can be found in the many wooded lakes dotting the state. Pigeons live throughout the cities and countryside, and mourning doves can be heard cooing from the tops of longleaf pines.

Heron and Egret Sculptures

One of the more stunning images tourists can see almost anywhere in Florida is the large, majestic crane landing or taking flight in local waters. These lean birds are graceful and alarmingly large in-person. Their long necks and long legs make them stand out as they wade in shallow waters.