Wildlife Wonders Blog

Wild Turkeys

The iconic American bird known as the wild turkey has roamed the edges of forests in North America for centuries. The same basic species as the domesticated turkey, wild turkeys are large ground…
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Snowscapes and Winter Wall Art

From snowy landscapes to portraits of wildlife in winter, artists have spent time and energy depicting the beauty of the cold for centuries. What is it about snow that seems so serene and special…
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What's on Your Table?

Wildlife Wonders is home to a beautiful collection of animal-inspired tableware by renowned artists, craftsmen, and home decor companies like Vagabond House, Arthur Court Designs,&…
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How Animals Stay Warm

Ever wonder how different species of wildlife stay warm through the bitter cold snaps of Northern winters? Many species have adapted to the climates in which they live by developing special physi…
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What Makes the Gingko Special?

Known for its beauty, long life, and unique leaf shape and coloring, the Gingko Tree is a well-loved and much talked-about tree species. At Wildlife Wonders, we often come across new art, paintings, s…
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