One of the most beloved states in America, California is home to a number of nature parks and a broad range of wildlife. Let's take some time to explore a few of the more interesting creatures that still roam California...
Butterflies are wildly popular in the moderate climate of California, and butterfly-lovers can find the Anise Swallowtail, the popular Monarch, the Painted Lady, the Umber Skipper, the Fiery Skipper, and more frolicking among the blossoms of southern half of the state. All of the above are native to the state of California.
Another Cali native popular around the rest of the world is the largemouth bass fish. California is also home to a range of snakes, skinks, salamanders, and lizards.
The desert cottontail, a small, brown rabbit native to California, is found throughout the U.S. and into Mexico.
In the realm of larger predators, the wild coyote is also a California native, and is often spotted around the outskirts of neighborhoods surrounded by forest or plains. Stealthy and persistent, the coyote is an expert at surviving nearly undetected among people and urban settlement.